Are social skills affected by ADHD? Reasons why chitchat can make you anxious. #adhd #socialskills

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What it something I said?
I did not mean to interrupt. (Actually, i did )
It is easy to ignore things that are not relevant to the current conversation.
Do you sound familiar?
These are some of the most common social skills problems ADHDers face, and they happen every time we need to have a conversation with someone.
It looks something like this to me:
Large live audiences give me LIFE! However, I struggle to control my heartbeat or sound intelligent when I am only able to speak to one or two people at once.

ADHD can cause major developmental delays. This is the age we should first learn social skills from our little kindergarten friends and playmates.

Our delay in development is when we start to question the “Normies.”

But not you! You are here and you will learn how to empower yourself using life-changing tools.

This is a quick reference to a checklist of social skills that clinicians use when evaluating ADHD in children )

Difficulty paying attention to what is being said, missing pieces It seems to ignore
Tough to take turns in conversation (inclination to interrupt frequently Difficulty following through on tasks and/or responsibilities
Not using proper manners Missed social cues

Immune Gut & Brain

Disorganized LifestyleSharing information that is inappropriate
Distracted by sounds or noises
Overwhelmed or flooded , closing down Disorganized thoughts Rambling or straying off topic during conversations
Ending a conversation abruptly

Additional Reading
Five ways ADHD affects social skills: source: Understood magazine s

Relationships and social skills

ADHD Symptoms Self Test: source ADDiTude /

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